we will cook and try out the recipes before publishing it to this blog! So don't worry guys, we guarantee that it will taste goood~

Blueberry Muffin-by Nadia~

Owkey.. My mom prepared this muffin. I was a bit lazy to enter kitchen today, since i've cooked for lunch! hoho! My Mom complained that my Chicken Curry was a bit tasteless and a bit thick...ohoh!!

So, here's the recipe of Blueberry Muffin

Bahan-bahan.( Sorry the recipe is in malay, i'm a bit lazy to translate all the cooking terms)

150g tepung naik sendiri
100g gula castor
100g mentega
15g susu tepung
15ml / 3 sudu besar madu
2 biji telur
1/4-1/2 cawan air
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
blueberry filling

1. Panaskan oven 180 degree celcius
2. Pukul gula, susu tepung, mentega dan madu sampai kembang
3. masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit
4. masukkan tepung kedalam adunan berselang seli dengan air sehingga habis
5. Masukkan adunan kedalam mangkuk kertas 1/4 drpd mangkuk kertas.
6. masukkan blueberry filling.
7. masukkan adunan 1/2 drpd mangkuk kertas.
8. Bakar selama 20-25 min.

Selamat mencuba!

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aku bukan aku said...


nampak sedap okeh!


nak satu!!



*gula castor itu menatang apakah??

Food Blast said...


gula castor=gula ni lagi halus drpd gula pasir/gula biasa.

jgn trtukar dgn gula icing pula

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